martes, 25 de diciembre de 2012


Wake up.
Where are you?

Is this the stage you hoped for?
Are you happy with it?

Or would you like to change it?
If that’s the case,
It’s now or never.

Or who knows,
Maybe someday
The chance will come
Once more

Who are you?
And I’m not asking about the mirror’s opinion

What are you?
Not how or why,
A person

Now qualify it
Good person?
Happy person?
Miserable person?

Or just
A person?
Plain and simple

Why are you here?
Wherever that is

Have you got a purpose?
Do you know it?
Are you attempting it?
Who told you to?
Did they?

Think about it,
How much of what you call you
Is it really yours
To own, change,
Delete or,
Give away?